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 Dinner at the Hideout [OPEN!!!]

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PostSubject: Dinner at the Hideout [OPEN!!!]    Dinner at the Hideout [OPEN!!!]  Icon_minitimeWed Nov 24, 2010 6:56 pm

I mutter a swear word under my breath and suck on my thumb. I take it out of my mouth and gape at the welt, which is now the size of Jupiter himself. "Ice, ice," I turn around and fling open the freezer, popping an ice cube out of the tray and pressing it against my red skin. I bite my lip in pain and hurry back to the stove. Sometimes it was hard, being a kid that has to act like an adult. Peeking under the lids of the five large pots of spaghetti sauce, I examine the burners and check the noodles. Almost done. I whirl around and bump into a one of the mismatched chairs. Sighing, I push each one neatly under the long row of tables that have been pushed together. Then I dig around in a cabinet until I find the huge white tablecloth. Once it has been thrown over the tables it looks like a fancy dinner party. I allow myself a small smile. The timer goes off as I am laying out silverware next to each plate. I turn it off and peek under the lids again. It smells delicious, and I hurriedly finish setting the table. I scoop out large portions onto each plate and fill the glasses with water. Then I step back and admire my handiwork. I check to make sure all the burners are turned off before I hit the intercom button that can be heard throughout the Hideout. "Dinner's ready!" I announce proudly. "Come quick, or the spaghetti'll be gone by the time you get here!" I release the button and undo the oversized apron, stuffing it in the corner. Almost like a real family....I find myself thinking.
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PostSubject: Re: Dinner at the Hideout [OPEN!!!]    Dinner at the Hideout [OPEN!!!]  Icon_minitimeWed Nov 24, 2010 11:18 pm

He smelled the food long before he hears Roxy calling, just because his hideaway is so close to the dining room: even so, it takes him a good five minutes to get downstairs from here. In his desperate measures to keep away from others in the crowded house, Louis had become accustomed to climbing somewhere up in the ceiling beams and napping.

The thought of having someone else cooking food for him brought back memories: had it really been that long ago? It was almost eight months now. With a deep sigh, he pulled his wallet from his pocket and took a long look at the only photo he carried before replacing it, sneaking down out of the hole in the ceiling at the end of the dark, unused hallway. No use dwelling on it: every memory was fresh salt in the wound, and crying over it doesn't change a thing: yet the memory was the most precious thing he owned, and he disregarded his own advice.

Real family. That was a comforting thought. This was his family, uncomfortable as he was with them. One of these days, the man promised himself. One of these days he would actually thank them for taking him in and not making him too uncomfortable and maybe find a few friends without just soundlessly flapping his jaw and blushing straight down to his collarbone.

But for now, food was calling, and that was all that mattered. Maybe a large helping of dark meat, whatever else was packed with protein and starches, and his usual drink. He cringed at the thought of it: Louis had been drinking protein drinks for about a year now and he still couldn't get over the taste: it was meant to be chocolate mint, but it tasted like mud. Probably because it was half formula and half skim milk.
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PostSubject: Re: Dinner at the Hideout [OPEN!!!]    Dinner at the Hideout [OPEN!!!]  Icon_minitimeThu Nov 25, 2010 1:30 pm

Rocket yanks out the earbuds out of his ears, and powers down his iPod. Dinner. Normally, he would go into the kitchen around 9:00, and make a sandwich which he would take back to his lair and continue dreaming about becoming a famous electric guitarist. Normally. But normally, there weren't big feasts like this. The delicious smell gets stronger and stronger as he makes his way to the kitchen. Oh boy.

I slide into the kitchen a few minutes after Roxy finishes. Lemme see it. I demand, grabbing her hand, and peering at the burn. I cuff her playfully on the back of her head. I have told you not to cook alone. I tell her, grabbing the ice she had out, making her sit down, and tending to her hand.

%I feel wimpy. My post is so short! xD
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PostSubject: Re: Dinner at the Hideout [OPEN!!!]    Dinner at the Hideout [OPEN!!!]  Icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 1:01 pm

"Hi, Rocket," I smile as he comes into the kitchen. "Ow!" I jerk my hand away from my sister. "It's fine, it's fine!" I exclaim. Then I see Louis. He is a strange person, I think. Sometimes I feel like he was holding something back from us, and that was why he never talked. "You eating, Louis?" I say tentatively. I busy myself with looking for drinks. "If you don't want water.." I say more to myself, pushing the milk aside. I see a bottle of lemonade hiding at the back. My spirits lift; I hadn't had lemonade in such a long time, with all the cutbacks we were having to make in order to survive. I pull it out, my mouth watering. To my disappointment it was empty. My body sighs inwardly, but I am not going to let this ruin my good mood about making dinner myself. I rinse out the bottle and shove it under the counter behind the trash can. "Where's Junebug, Rocket?" I ask. "It seems like she's always with you." I pull out a chair and push Cori towards it. "Eat!" I hurry across the room, humming 'P-p-p-poker face; p-p-poker face.' I peer out into the hallway. "Where is everyone else?" The moment this thought comes to my brain I am rushing to the intercom again. I had so much happiness inside I thought I would burst. I knew it wasn't just because of the dinner thing. We were a family and we were all going to be eating dinner together; just like a real family. Exactly like one. We were one. Now where was everyone else? I pressed the button with my finger, leaning into the speaker. "It's getting cold," I warned. "Hurry up!" After that I am rushing towards the radio in the corner. I find a station with some good background music; and then I am hurrying towards the fridge again. "Parmesan..." I murmur, digging through the food. No parm. Oh well, I can't do everything, right? I hurry back to the door and check the hallway again. I'm a ping pong ball, I think. A happy-go-lucky ping pong ball.
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PostSubject: Re: Dinner at the Hideout [OPEN!!!]    Dinner at the Hideout [OPEN!!!]  Icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 3:23 pm

At the mention of his name, Louis flinched and busied himself with getting his own drink, avoiding interaction with Roxy. How did she know his name, anyway? Louis began mixing that stupid protein mix with milk and something he found in his jacket pocket... Fixx Energy? Just a drop though, too much and he'd give himself a heart attack. The concoction turned an evil brownish-yellow color.
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PostSubject: Re: Dinner at the Hideout [OPEN!!!]    Dinner at the Hideout [OPEN!!!]  Icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 7:01 pm

"Please?" I ask him, my eyes on his back. "You never have real sustenance, it's what a star can't survive forever on protein drinks!" I grab a plate of spaghetti from the table and offer it to him. "....It's really won't make you fat, if that's what you think," my voice was pleading. "The carbohydrates are really good for a star child, it keeps us strong, in the Earth's atmosphere." I set the plate down on the counter next to him. "Just think about it, okay?" I dig around in the drawer for a moment, finally unearthing a fork, which I slid beside the plate. "It's really good," I say again, turning away. I wipe the counters free of pasta sauce and turn around to face the table. "Of course, the one time I go out of my way to make a special dinner, no one shows," I say, slightly cross. I consider going back to the intercom and trying again, but decide against it. Instead, I plop down in a chair and twirl a fork through my pasta. "...I hate starting without them..." I murmur under my breath. I look up at Rocket again. "Did you ever reply to my question about where Junebug is?"
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PostSubject: Re: Dinner at the Hideout [OPEN!!!]    Dinner at the Hideout [OPEN!!!]  Icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 7:19 pm

He glanced at the pasta once it was shoved near him (and Roxy was gone): he hadn't planned to eat what she made, mostly just munch on powers bars and whatever he could find that he knew was mostly protein, but the spaghetti looked tempting. Unfortunately, it wasn't protein-filled, but it did have carbohydrates: hopefully if he ate that he could get a really good morning workout.

He wasn't worried about getting fat: actually, Louis doubted that was even possible. He focused on using whatever food would help him build bulk fastest to keep up with the horrendous rate at which his body atrophied. He considered the pasta more seriously only after he found a good amount of eggs and meatballs to add to the pasta. It ended up looking disgusting after he was done, but that wasn't really an issue anymore. Hold your nose long enough and you can't taste it going down anymore, he thought. Just for good measure he added some soy protein isolate to the mix, adding a grainy texture to the yellow mix.

Ugh. What a pathetic Thanksgiving dinner. Whatever. Louis was Irish. It's not even his holiday. He downed the pasta while holding his breath.

((EDIT: Those eggs were totally raw.))
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PostSubject: Re: Dinner at the Hideout [OPEN!!!]    Dinner at the Hideout [OPEN!!!]  Icon_minitimeMon Nov 29, 2010 1:27 pm

The smell of food woke me from my nap in the jupiter cabin that I had begun to think of as my room, since there was no one to share it with. I quickly clipped my hair up and straitened my shirt in order to look somewhat presentable. I walked in and looked at the incredible display of food with shiny plates, forks, knives, and even a tabel cloth. "Wow, Roxy this looks amazing" I said in complete awe. I took a seat and picked up a fork and slurped in some noodles. The flavor was delicious and the sauce stained me lips a bright red.

I heard an announcement on the intercom and was briefly worried, I thought it was something serious. Albiet it was only Roxy announcing that dinner was ready. A big family dinner, wouldn't that be something. I eagerly made my way to the kitchen. When I walked in I saw everybody laughing, smiling, and eating. The normal family scene very nearly brought tears to my eyes. I held them back and took a seat next to Olive and stared down at my plate of steaming spaggeti.

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PostSubject: Re: Dinner at the Hideout [OPEN!!!]    Dinner at the Hideout [OPEN!!!]  Icon_minitimeMon Nov 29, 2010 3:53 pm

}eww....raw eggs=salmonella. Louis better watch out.

"Thanks, Olly," I grin at her, my heart swelling with pride. I hurriedly get up and refill my glass with water, then sit down again. "We're still missing some..." I say. "Did you see anyone sleeping in their cells?" I glance around, putting a bite in my mouth. I am surprised at how good it tastes, though maybe having easy microwavable food most of the time really makes your taste buds hungry for something with more flavor, real food...ahh, well. We were doing the best that we could, right? I had a job, my sister had a job, didn't she? And so did Diggs. But still; it was hard feeding the others. And we were stars, stars that needed fuel. And then there was the fact that we didn't have hot water down here, and so we had to rely on showering at school unless you wanted to take a freezing cold dunk or heat up pots of water over the stove. And then we had to pay for clothing, was a lot of work, plus the stress of hiding from Them. But I wasn't going to let this taint my wonderful family moment. I silently thanked those who were working for us, and those that slipped money from their jobs onto the desk in the office.

"I'm here," I trudge into the room. I was wearing my pajamas, I'd just taken a shower, cold of course. But I could handle it. "The solid cell is freezing," I state to anyone that was listening. I look down at the food and am momentarily surprised about how good it looks, but then again Roxy was always trying to do those little things that would bring us together.
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PostSubject: Re: Dinner at the Hideout [OPEN!!!]    Dinner at the Hideout [OPEN!!!]  Icon_minitimeTue Nov 30, 2010 9:57 pm

"Um, she had a long day at school and is already asleep. I made her a PB&J though..." Rocket says thinking "She loved PB&J's". His voice getting softer with each word, and his throat tightens. His heart thumps loudly. One thing all the fallen learned when they first arrived was; Don't lie to Roxy. She got upset. And yet He just had. He couldn't tell them now when they were all so happy, but he would never be able to keep it. Unless, he found her before the could even notice she was gone! As soon as that thought floats into his head he filters it out. That didn't seem possible. He would need help, and he would have to tell someone eventually. He take a tentative bite, and to his surprise he is filled with a warm pasta saucy feeling. Yum. "Roxy, this rox." Rocket tell her laughing at his corny pun. Diggs. Roxy's spirits were soaring, and Rocket would hate for someone to miss it. Inconspicuously, he slides out his phone and taps in: Diggs, fam dinner. Get here. He takes another bit, the delicious sauce dripping down his chin; a pure smile of bliss stretching his face.

Sometimes I hated myself. Roxy did everything for me--us--and I felt like I could never give anything back to her. Sure, I had a job, but that wasn't anything near supporting us like Roxy did. The first night we had fallen, I told myself I would start taking on more responsibilities to help her out, but so far I hadn't been to hot on that promise. It was sad, I was the same age at her, and yet, I am like a little kid. I sigh, and sit down looking forlornly at my pasta. Why didn't she even ask me to help her with dinner? I know how much pressure there was on her, and anything I can do would help her, but she hadn't asked. Maybe she thought I was incapable. Which, knowing Roxy and how much she is right, probably true. I poke at my spaghetti, suddenly losing my appitite. Come on Cori, if you can't help her very much, the least you can do is eat her dinner. I think to myself grimacing. I take a bite, and smile. Thanks Roxy. I tell her beaming hoping she would sense how much I appreciate her.

My phone vibrates obnoxiously on my thigh, pressed up against my leg in my pocket. Holding my steering wheel up with my knee, and pull out my phone. Dinners ready! I toss my phone into the passenger seat, and put my foot to the gas. A few moments later, I skid into the gravel parking lot of the Hideout. I grab my back pack, and pull out a dark lip stick, and a hair scrunchy. Pulling down my review mirror, and apply the lip gloss, and smack my lips. I really should wear make up like that more often. Just a little mascara and a dab of eyeshadow... I find myself thinking. I wondered if Dev would like me better with makeup. Oh my gosh what was I thinking. Makeup, and Diggs. No. That was not part of Dignity; at least not mine. I roughly pull my hair into a pony tail, and tighten it. I looked okay. Beside, I had money. I shut off the engine, and hop out, quickly making my way through the door; muttering the password. I rush into the office, and slide in $150 bucks into an envelope, and tape it to the front of the computer on the desk. There. That left $25 for me, and I didn't need much more than that. I enter the kitchen and grin at all the Fallen gathered. Roxy, thank you! I tell her graciously without tasting it but knowing it was bound to be delicious.

Last edited by Miss%Maureen on Sun Dec 12, 2010 9:17 pm; edited 4 times in total (Reason for editing : change rockets post)
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PostSubject: Re: Dinner at the Hideout [OPEN!!!]    Dinner at the Hideout [OPEN!!!]  Icon_minitimeTue Dec 14, 2010 7:36 pm

"Oh, you're welcome, Cor," I said. "And thanks, Rocket. I'm glad Junie's getting some sleep." I looked around the table, remembering something I was waiting to ask them. "And how are everyone's grades?" I asked, eying them. "Not that I want to sound too parent-like, but if any of you drop below a D, we'll get a call from the school asking to speak to your parents. And then if we say we don't have any parents, they'll investigate the home life, because you know how nosy they are. It's been hard enough lying about parent teacher conferences."

I took a bite and grinned guiltily. "I got a C on my last report card."

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PostSubject: Re: Dinner at the Hideout [OPEN!!!]    Dinner at the Hideout [OPEN!!!]  Icon_minitimeTue Dec 14, 2010 9:04 pm

I smiled, I had been waiting fora chance to mention my grades, but I didn't want to make it seem like I was bragging "Strait As" I nearly whispered "I worked really hard this semester.
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PostSubject: Re: Dinner at the Hideout [OPEN!!!]    Dinner at the Hideout [OPEN!!!]  Icon_minitimeSat Dec 18, 2010 2:11 am

I take another mouth watering bite before I reply. B's and C's. And an F. I state with pride, grinning toothily at everyone around the table.

Rocket stares down at his plate hard. "B's." He mumbles, still preoccupied with Junie
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PostSubject: Re: Dinner at the Hideout [OPEN!!!]    Dinner at the Hideout [OPEN!!!]  Icon_minitime

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